latest news

Annual Locks Farm Ram Sale

Annual Locks Farm Ram Sale

As usual, after the main annual Locks Farm Rale Sale date, Rams will be available from our Scotland and Wales Ram sellers; Jim Logan, Scotland & Phil Preece, Wales. For all the info please see the details in the flyer.

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Client Focus: Gordon Wyeth, West Sussex

Client Focus: Gordon Wyeth, West Sussex

Long time Romney farmer Gordon Wyeth has been purchasing his New Zealand  genetics from the Hodgkins family from Locks Farm in West Sussex for over 13 years & has consistently purchased Rams with the traits that have the biggest drivers for his business,...

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Ram Sale 2021

Ram Sale 2021

The annual Wairere UK ram sale is back for another year! Please get in touch with Chris and Caroline on the details above to book a place, and also for a copy of the ram list prior to the sale. We really hope to see some new faces and of course our returning clients...

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Annual Ram Sale Days 2024

Annual Ram Sale Days 2024

Our Annual Sale days dates are all booked and we're excited to see you all! Whether you are planning on coming to our main sale day at Locks in Sussex, or Scotland or Wales, we're sure that we can find you the best ram for the job!

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Scanning 2024

Scanning 2024

Following some pretty awful Autumn weather and the fact that we had new imported rams coming straight off a flight from NZ and in with ewes out of season, it’s fair to say we had been a bit apprehensive about scanning. But we needn’t have worried, the rams did their...

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Locks Farm January Newsletter 2024

Locks Farm January Newsletter 2024

Let me start by wishing you a very happy healthy and prosperous New Year!  A quick recap of 2023 We started the year with a very good scan result for us. 188% over 4.500 ewes, a good 10 points above our target. It would not be an understatement to describe 2023...

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Ed & Rhian Bray

Ed & Rhian Bray

I’m fortunate with my work through the year I visit farmers on a daily basis and in both hemispheres.Every country I visit has its own unique  challenges, as farmers we embrace and adapt to never ending changes.I get to visit a number of our clients who have...

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Rory & Mel Stirling

Rory & Mel Stirling

Mel Stirling along with his nephew Rory run 1100 Romney Ewes & 200 suckler cows just north of Galashiels. The farm ranges from steep hill to rolling downs up on the tops. The flock consistently weans over 150% of lambs to ewes mated. All ewes are lambed outside...

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What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

You may have noticed that we have adopted a new name for the sheep breeding sideof our business. 'Locks' was chosen because it has been our home farm since 1982, a name that everybody knows,and the operating base for our ram selling. Our email address remains the...

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Scotland & Wales Ram Sales

Scotland & Wales Ram Sales

As usual Rams will be available from our Scottish and Welsh Ram sellers after the Annual Locks Farm Ram Sale day. This year Rams will be available for purchase from the 10th August. Please see the flyer for more info and do feel free to get in touch with Phil Preece...

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Wairere UK

Locks Farm,

The Pike, West Sussex,

RH20 4AA

Chris & Caroline Hodgkins 01903 892443 / 07837 405957

Andy Hodgkins – 07805 660 225

Rob Hodgkins – 07747 623 124

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